the casual curator



This year, it’s all about holiday spirit — cozying up with a candle I shouldn’t have bought (but I did) and eating cookies I baked when I should have been doing something else. I’m drinking wine on a Wednesday and heating up potato latkes for lunch that we fried the night before. My roommate and I are debating the standing of Michael Bublé as far as Christmas canon goes, but it’s not so much a debate because we both feel the same way (not canon). So in the spirit of negligent escapism, I’m posting a series of photos — starting with this one — from Sumant and I’s trip to Quebec two years ago. We ventured here mostly because I missed my winter wardrobe (leaving St. Louis for Houston will do that to you) and because I was sick of the swampy cool of a Texas December. This picture was taken upon the first proper snow of the year, and as far as the magic of the season goes, nothing has surpassed it since. 
